Wednesday 11 February 2015

I surprised!

Sitting here, playing a strange game of peekaboo with Turtle the dog, I am trying hard to think of all the things that have happened since arriving in Revelstoke. This is partly for my own memory; I am finding my mind fails to recall significant events in place of meaningless crap. However, I feel I've barely noted any of my activities since arriving - reeling off some of our weekly activities in my last post didn't really cut it for me.

I can't really put my snowboarding experiences into words. I've spent the best part of a month up on the mountain. I have improved to the point where I can tackle just about any run on the mountain, which fills me with a great sense of accomplishment. I've gone up with everyone and, although slightly slower than the others, I feel as though I don't hold them up too much. The weather conditions are less than ideal and have led to quite a few days of not boarding.

I miss the guys from the house I stayed at when I first arrived. Luke and Kara particularly, whom I felt I had the most in common with and enjoyed their company the most. They were kind and had a very similar sense of humour to me. I hope to see more of them before I leave.

The only other occurrence that is worth mentioning is our trip to the hospital after the Banff road trip. I took Steve to the hospital after he'd taken a huge fall in Lake Louise. Some cunt skied right across him and forced him over a fence. The fence just so happened to be atop a rather large cliff, and Steve tumbled a good 30ft before stopping. 

Nothing remarkable happened during our time IN the hospital. However, once we'd left, Steve wanted a picture in front of the sign with his crutches. I shuffled over into the passenger seat of the car, which was stopped just in the middle of the road, and attempted to put the window down to take a picture from inside the car. It didn't work, so I hopped out and shut the door. We took some snaps and then headed back to get into the car. It just so happened that I'd been pressing the button to the lock the doors earlier, not open the window. We were then stood like two lemons for a good 20-30 minutes, with the car sat in the middle of the entrance road to the hospital, still running, unable to move it because we couldn't get back in! Luckily there were a spare set of keys back at the house, and Ben drove Felix up to us to open the car and get home. These things could not happen to anyone else, I am sure of it.

As I mentioned earlier, the weather is shit. So, we decided this weekend to join the two girls on a winter camping expedition to some hot springs nearby. We set off late on Sunday morning and took the ferry across the arrow lake. The girls, in their wisdom, decided not to wait for us on the other side but continue ahead. We spent a good while driving to the nearby town, finding directions, and then heading back to the correct location. Once we finally arrived, it was getting dark and we were all pretty fucked off. We hiked up the trail to the hot springs and set up our camp - mumbling (or, in Felix's case, yelling) obscenities about the girls and how the could have waited for us.

We had an awesome time in the hot springs after calming down about the whole 'being abandoned' thing. Cristin had brought a friend from work and she was... nice. I can't work out if she was flirting with me or it was the fact she was completely shit-faced, but there was a moment where I thought perhaps... just perhaps, she at the very least didn't think I was absolutely disgusting. Plus, camping out under the stars with just a tarp above and below me was a very interesting experience. Wrapped up in my duvet, squashed between Ben (basically sleeping on top of me) and Adam (smushed up in my face), I was perfectly warm. Ben and I headed back to the hot springs at about 7am after waking up and spent another 4 or so hours just chilling. It was complete relaxation.

As for my future plans, I will not be driving to Toronto. Nor will I be flying. Since I have so much with me and no idea where to go next, I shall simply do nothing and see what opportunities present themselves. Toodles for now.