Wednesday 26 November 2014

I've got soul but I'm not a soldier.

Hooooooly boop. It's been two weeks and I've forgotten many of the intricate details about my time here in Winnipeg. Also, I find writing down what I did daily has become fairly boring; I'll try to write down more of my ridiculous thoughts as they pop into my tiny mind as opposed to mundane daily events. Having said that, brushing my teeth this morning was frightfully exciting!

For the most part my time has been spent doing the usual mixture of meeting people, talking with them and learning from them. In the same way I loved Thunder Bay because of the people I met, so too have I loved Winnipeg because everyone has been so amazing. Both sets of hosts have been more than welcoming - I've felt so at home here, which is why it's so hard to leave. Let me just add before you read any further that I'm not a bad person. Promise!

 Last Sunday (9th) I sat around doing nothing much. Skyping, banking and watching a film. Nobody was home. Essentially I recovered from my ordeal the day before and sorted myself out.
On Monday we went to IKEA. That's right. IKEA. Just some oak, some pine and a handful of Norse men. It was a lot of fun because I got to chat to Marilyn and Thor about all sorts. I've really enjoyed discussing a variety of subjects with both of them and hearing about their lives. Thor seems to have a story for everything, and has done a fair bit of travelling in his life. I certainly feel like a more open minded person having spent time with them. Slightly less cynical. Just slightly.
Tuesday saw me heading out for a walk around the area. I went to Safeway to replace my toothbrush which had fallen on the floor. I figured one of life's necessities is a clean toothbrush that isn't covered in crud and oomska. I've spent very little, comparatively, since leaving Toronto so I allowed myself a treat.This was the first day I really experienced the start of the cold weather. It was only -6 or thereabouts but it took just 15 minutes outside before I turned tail and headed straight back inside.That evening we played Scrabble and taboo. I, of course, won both games. It's hard to be one of life's winners but I guess these positions need to be filled by someone. Hah. I would love for someone who didn't know me to read this one day - they'd think I'm such a conceited wanker. Which I'm not! Promise!
Wednesday was thrift shopping day. Huge charity shops full of weirdos and tons of stuff to look at. Like a loony bin with the odd diamond in the rough to pick up for a bargain. Smells like old people. I got a brand new hardback comic of Scott pilgrim vs.the world. Did hope to pick up an awesome coat but I couldn't find the type I wanted. It's all a game of chance in these places. 
The next day I took a bus downtown and checked out the shops. I walked around one block, then another, and continued until I found a mall. I ended up making a game of the skywalks. Since it's cold as balls here, they build their shopping centres into the basements of buildings or connect them with skywalks. I walked for as long as I possibly could staying inside the whole time. I managed to walk for half an hour until Marilyn messaged me explaining we were going for lunch with her friend Sam. Luckily I was in a noteworthy convention centre and was able to get a lift with them. Sam was from India and studying international business here. It was very interesting to hear about the cultural differences between us in the west and north India. Class is still very much recognised in daily life there and society in general sounds very different. He was great company. That evening I showed Marilyn and Thor 'Alan Partridge - Alpha Papa'. I think they liked it... they laughed so I'm guessing they can't have hated it.
On Friday I went to the forks to look around with Thor, Keira and Echo (Marilyn's daughters) and Meredith (a fellow surfer). It's a newish development right where the two rivers meet. There are craft shops, fresh food stuffs and other random shops inside a collection of buildings. We checked out an antique shop and some other shops before heading on home.
Swedish night was held that evening at Marilyn's and consisted of watching a film titled 'sweaty beards'. There were about 12-14 people there who are of Swedish descent. Plus Robin who was a German guy? Bit odd that. Everyone I met that night was really lovely, and I even gave my email to a lady named Laurel who's sister lives in Vancouver. She was very enthusiastic about couch surfing and said she'd pass my details on. No contact as of yet... early days.

I had such a wonderful time with Marilyn and her family. They were all such nice people it was difficult to leave. I feel as though I will keep overstaying my welcome if I stay with one host for too long just like Thunder Bay. This experience was far more enjoyable than Thunder Bay simply because it was my hosts who were so fantastic, not just their friends!

Saturday was the big move as I was going to Jon, Dale and Christa's. Meredith was also leaving Marilyn's that day so she very kindly agreed to drive me to their place. Unfortunately, the roads were being prepared for the Christmas parade, so we had a bit of an ordeal attempting to get to the right part of the street. Fuck you Santa. It's not even December yet! When we did finally get to our destination, Meredith needed to use the bathroom so we both headed up to the door. Locked! Christa told me it was unlocked! Meredith, the intrepid explorer, went round the back and to see if there was a door there. Christa let me in a while later and I began yelling to let Meredith know we could get in, to which Christa quickly replied 'she's already inside'. Sure enough, when I get upstairs, there is Meredith appearing from the bathroom. Decisive action seems to be the way to go these days if you want to get anything done! She was such a character. Meredith left shortly after and we all introduced ourselves. I believe we played some games that evening but I can't be sure. These guys are amazingly kind people who enjoy a good board game. I've learnt at least 7 new games whilst I've been here and there are probably more I've forgotten. There's a certain perception around board games as being nerdy, but I'd happily take an evening with these guys, or any other wonderful group of people, playing board games over going out to a club. Which is handy, since we spent a good few nights this week doing exactly that. I genuinely feel as though I've changed in the short amount of time spent around these three wonderful human beings. Anyway, let me continue with my boring tale before I start to write a poetry book about Jon, Dale and Christa in my blog.

There was another couch surfer who I met slightly later on staying here. His name was Brendan. He had travelled from Nova Scotia to Winnipeg in search of work. His initial plan was to head to Edmonton, but a chance encounter led to him applying through the union for a job here. He got it. Now he was apartment hunting. On Sunday we hung out and walked around the area a bit, checking out shops and such. Later on he found out that the apartment he had set his hopes on was no longer available, so he started checking for more. He called a lady and set up a viewing that very evening. He asked if I wanted to come along and I agreed - thus begins my considering the possibilities of just becoming a yes man through and through. We spent what must have been the better part of an hour trying to find this place on the outskirts of the city. It was farm land and country lanes. When we finally got there Brendan said, 'well I'm going to need a truck if I'm going to stay here'. As we pulled into the drive there was a truck in the drive, and Brendan said jokingly that he'd buy that one. We knocked on the door and his lovely soon-to-be landlady Lou showed us around. One of her sons was an artist as was she, so the place was filled with loads of original pieces of interesting art. Brendan's bachelor pad was incredible. The bathroom alone sold it. Jacuzzi tub, separate shower and marble decor. The bed was a sofa bed but could easily be replaced. The mattress was fine on it anyway. Lou asked if I thought it was good enough, to which I hastily replied 'oh nonononono I won't be using it!' I think I just give off a very gay vibe.
Brendan handed over a down payment there and then. Our last exchange was about how he would need a truck to commute. Sure enough Lou offers to sell him the one out front! He has got to be one of the most fortuitous people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. We grabbed Tim Hortons on the drive and then raced back to tell the others of our semi-adventure.

The following week was very enjoyable. Besides Monday, where I relaxed on the sofa watching boondock saints, Christa and I went out every day to do something different. In the evening of Monday we played some games and visited Christa's friends for a bit. On Tuesday we walked around checking out all the second hand bookstores nearby. That evening we went to a new board game cafe with a load of Dale, Christa and Jon's friends. It was very enjoyable and we played some great games. The girl sitting next to me did cause the 'bastard within me' to rise to the surface... but as I have said - I'm a changed man! Besides a slight roll of the eyes I did nothing. She began by saying we should look at the boxes of all the games and count the amount of females on them compared to men (and then tally up breast sizes). Brendan said, 'well it is a very sexual world we live in'. She responded with this gem,

'You say sexual, I say sexist'.

What a knobhead. We're all here to enjoy ourselves playing some games and chat. I really don't need you spouting your over the top equal rights crap in my ear. Go and look at all the board game boxes if you want. Better yet, tally up how many men there are on the boxes with huge muscles and chiselled jaw lines. Then we can pair all the ludicrously overtly sexual fictional characters off with each other, and the ugly ones can debate whether or not sexism is as big a problem as you think it is. I'll be at home not talking to you. Bore off.


The next day Christa and I walked around osbourne village. Which is just a street with a few 'hipster' shops on it. We returned to a shop I'd been in with Brendan to check out some nice shoes I'd seen and wanted to buy. No shoes?! They'd been stolen the DAY before. Just my luck. I really do need to shake this feeling that the world is conspiring against me though. It's becoming a problem.
We checked out the Manitoba legislature building (just a posh government building with hermetic masonry involved. No biggie.) I only had my crappy Canada phone with me so the photos are potato quality. Later that evening Christa went dumpster diving. Literally rooting around in garbage for products that are still OK but larger companies have tossed. An interesting pastime. Say what you like though, dumpster garlic and herb philly is delicious.

On Thursday we went to the Manitoba museum, just to explore the man and nature exhibits. It was interesting and a good way to pass the time.

Friday was an eventful day. Mmm yes. And such a polarity between events. We walked around some shops to get stuff for Christa and check out some more book stores. I made Banoffee pie. That evening we were going to a party for a guy's birthday. We hung out playing games and drinking beforehand then walked round to the bar/pub called cousins. We hung out and met some cool new people. I even made it onto Canadian Instagram... Brilliant. After cousins had emptied we walked round to a party being held for the birthday of someone else Dale knew. He is part of a band named royal canoe. They seem to be mildly famous around these parts, having had some radio play time. I spoke to a couple of guys from the band and they seemed really down to earth and humble. For a while I felt a bit awkward, roaming around between smoking and watching Dale play drunken ping pong. After a while I saw two girls standing chatting, one for whom I'd spoken to briefly earlier with Brendan near the record player. The other I had noticed earlier because she was so fit. Dale happened to be in the vicinity so I grabbed him and dragged him over as my in. "Hey this is Dale - he's the one who has all the awesome records!" Bam. Just like that I'm in. He wandered off but I kept chatting to them for a while. We got a drink, continued talking and so on. It got later and later, and I was left with the gorgeous girl to continue talking. At this point we were both fairly drunk... so I forget what we discussed in general. I think I accused her of being conceited at one point, as I'd told her she was beautiful and she agreed. We ended up getting a cab back to her place. Which turned out to be her parents place. She was 28 and had a kid. Who was upstairs. I knew some of this information earlier. Some. Not all. I am so terribly ashamed of myself San Diego. I'm not sure half assed anchorman quotes will even cut it here. The problem is, I'm sat here and all I can think about is how I forget to ask for her number. I think what actually happened in my tiny drunken mind was I figured I was leaving in two days and there would be no point in getting it, but it's genuinely eating me up. Admittedly, if I cared enough, I could walk to her house and politely ask for it... but I'm not sure that would be particularly well received. Either way, this is one of those times in life where it's hard not to regret a decision I've made. What's truly disgusting though; what will float around in my mindtank for days to come is the truth about why I really wanted to get some form of contact information. I know getting it wouldn't have led anywhere for a multitude of reasons, but, plain and simple, I wanted to have proof I'd slept with someone so incredibly good looking. Logical sense and reason is overshadowed by insanity. Thoughts like, 'perhaps she'd want to go on a date,' or, 'she'd be happy to see me turn up,' are beginning to piss me off as they are so friggin nonsensical. I hope that my honest disgust at myself will deflect some of your own hatred towards me. The act of simply writing it all down in itself has been relatively cathartic. I guess. The Killers 'all these things I've done' played whilst I was writing all of that out and it was eerily resonating with the subject matter.

On Saturday I was unable to wake up, possibly because I only got in at 6:30. I missed out on a Mennonite mens breakfast with Dale and Jon which annoyed me. I wanted to go badly but, on reflection, I cannot physically function on half an hour of sleep. I hung out with Christa, Dale and Jon going shopping and such until the evening when we went to Josiah's choir show. He is Christa's boyfriend. It was magnificent. Truly amazing. The choir was fantastic and sang some terrific songs. Although I have a short attention span concerning music, I concentrated very hard on not allowing my mind wander onto other ridiculous subjects. I'm pretty sure there was something that I'd thought of worth typing here, but apparently not since I can't think it anymore. I guess that's just a positive for Josiah's choir and not a negative for my stupid brain. 

So finally we reach where I am now. Yesterday I went for dinner at Marilyn's because she messaged me asking how I was getting on. We texted a while and arranged one last get together. It was lovely to see them again before I left. I had to get Jon to pick me up, as I said I'd take the bus, however when I got to Safeway to get some change it was closed. I felt terrible asking but it was either that or freeze to death walking home.

I've written everything up now and will be hopping on a bus to Calgary tonight. Hopefully I keep better track of my thoughts as I travel, otherwise there is little point in continuing this damned blog. 

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