Wednesday 27 August 2014

Should go shopping

This really isn't a significant update. In fact for the past four days I've done nothing. Not in a 'get up and do some jobs around the place and then settle down for a spot of lunch before perhaps popping round a friend's for some tea' sense. No, I've done literally nothing besides playing computer games.

However, I have stumbled upon a nifty website which outlines a clear packing list with guidelines as to what kind of places I'll need certain things. 

Here it is.

As it is coming up for Autumn in the northern hemisphere, Canada might start getting a bit chilly, whereas (and I hope to get there) South America/Asia are hopefully a bit warmer. Either way, with or without a look at the seasonal weather around the world, I'll need a variety of clothing for different elements. 

As I'm going shopping tomorrow I thought it would be a good chance to think carefully about what I need. First on the list will be a fashionable waterproof jacket (if such a thing exists). A bag to put everything in will be required so I'll check out the sizes and feel of them before heading online. And shorts. Some more shorts. Everyone needs shorts.

In terms of sorting a visa it seems as though I'll need a definitive entry date to the U.S. This means I will actually need to think about how long I want to be in Canada before I leave, not to mention the fact Canadian border officials might not respond too well to, "Not sure", when asked how long I'll be in the country. Time to get planning :-/

Also on the agenda is vaccinations for South America/South Asia. Who knows if I'll get there. For the money they cost I bloody well better had. 

So as mentioned, not a real update at all. In fact I'm nowhere nearer to being prepared than I was when I wrote my first post. Although, I do think I'm THINKING about organising myself more. Which is good.

Pip pip, determination is the key to success.

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