Thursday 8 January 2015

It's your world, I'm just living in it

Son of a bitch I have hit my first real struggle of the trip. All the other times I've been a mopey little so-and-so were momentary blips on an otherwise plain sailing journey. Calgary was only tough because I wanted to snowboard so badly... which has all worked out ok as you know. Now I've really hit a funk for a number of reasons, chief among them being a god-damn female.

Women are all such a pain in the ass. There I said it. Sorry. But come on, they make, for the most part, impossible friends and even more complicated partners. Honestly, if I didn't love boobies and vajayjays so much (and find knobs so unpleasant) I'd have turned gay a long time ago. This particular girl was very intriguing. We spent the best part of three days together and she was pretty cool, however she was still into her ex and lives quite a journey away. The trouble is compared to the others I've met on my travels, this one has an allure the others never possessed. I'm hoping it'll just take a little bit longer to get over rather than consuming the rest of my time and energy. I was a complete dick though so I'm sure I ruined any possibility of anything happening.

I've moved out of the hostel downtown and into a 'house' on the outskirts. This has, although fairly stressful, been a good move for me as I'm with a good bunch of guys. I felt as though I was pretending to be someone I wasn't at the hostel to get by, and that I can relax completely here. Once I've sorted out how much money/beer/services (cleaning etc not winkies) they want for my stay.

I rearranged my flight so that I could spend more time here in Revelstoke and the money situation has become a concern. However, this problem has a solution as well and I've pretty much resolved it as well. 'Fuck it'. Only young once, only here travelling once. Europe can be cut short and even cancelled completely depending on how well I budget. I'm going to buy a laptop and new phone here in North America as it's cheaper than home. I figure I have enough to get me home and I'll just have to take stock once I'm home.

As for other interesting events besides finding a lovely lady, it's been a fairly quiet few weeks. There was a powder dump and I had an amazing day of snowboarding in waist deep snow. Snowboarding is amazing... no doubt.

Peace be the journey.

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