Saturday 31 January 2015

The long and short of it

Has it really been two weeks since my last post? Cheesus Christ. 

So I struggled through my rough spot and am, hopefully, over the hump and ready to continue forwards positively. I managed to shake off the bugbear of a woman who would actually consider me to be physically attractive, mainly because when I thought about it long and hard I realised she was completely mental and thoroughly unstable. 

All my roommates are smashing. Steve, Jeele (Boogieman), Felix, Adam and now Ben (living in his car outside) plus Cristin and Kristina. I'm bunking in with Jeele for the month rather than pay the $350 for the spare room. It took me a while to warm to the girls, who took said room, for a few reasons I believe. However much I love dogs, they were a huge shift in the dynamics bringing not one but two dogs along with them. I've also discovered I don't cope well with change if it is within my comfort zone. E.G. somewhere I am now living for a month. I was a complete dick to begin with and am making amends where possible.

We went on a road trip to Calgary a few days after my last post, ultimately because Steve wanted to buy his board from Banff and shag the girl he met at new years (she was far more keen than mine). It was a really good time and, although I had a stroppy on the first day, I still enjoyed my boarding on both days. Steve and I shredded together with Jeele and Felix, and we made the most of our time. I did see Laura in Calgary but barely had a chance to speak to her. She'd brought 'Weird Al Yankovic' to the party anyway and this merely solidified my decision to steer clear. 

Last weekend I hit a rough spot after we all had a bit too much to drink and Steve, for some strange reason, ended up getting rather aggressive. I don't really want to dwell on these events as neither of us dealt with the aftermath particularly well. He's apologised and we're back to peas in a pod - so that'll be as much as I discuss on that front.

What I will say in conjunction to these events is I've learnt very quickly to not let what people do/say affect me as much as I have in the past. I'm working through building mental barriers and becoming a more stalwart individual. Not that I'm closing myself off, as I am well aware that I do this already, more that I am shielding myself from other people's nastiness. A lot of the time people will say things that would usually piss me off, but I'm just letting them slide off my back and forgetting about them as soon as possible. Dwelling on negativity simply perpetuates a state of misery. I am hoping these negative events will merely spur me forwards into positivity. What's the point, y'know?

On the horizon I see my plans for the future. Having settled in Revelstoke I don't relish the idea of travelling anymore. This is mainly because of the extra baggage I've accumulated here. Ridesharing with TWO big bags now is going to be a struggle. However, I get the feeling I've become comfortable and this is the main reason I won't be doing anymore solo adventuring for now. Once my month is up I will discuss with Jeele how much longer I can stay. I will raise the idea of $25 a week. I am contemplating driving from Vancouver back to Toronto for Pam's birthday and to see Joscelyn who, out of the blue, messaged me on facebook today asking how I was and if I'd be back in Toronto. A strange coincidence since I'd already broached the subject with Pam a few days ago. I would be using a website where I drive other people's cars for them. First Vancouver - Toronto, then Toronto to San Francisco. It would be long, and boring, but at least I'd eat up a few days driving around and seeing the country again.

 All I am thinking of doing in America is checking out Las Vegas for a night, hitting up the vans outlet there and then getting home. I want to touch base with Rowan, my bro's cousin, and possibly stay with Sam's (my friend) uncle for a few days until my flight. 

My mind is scrambled trying to think of more things to write about now so I'll just jot down some key events that have happened; general things I've been doing in town as I settle into a more comfortable place. I've also started a 'reason to be happy list' in which I have to write one thing each day that has been a highlight or made me happy.

- Snowboarding (obviously)

- Free trips to the swimming pool/hot tub

- Buying more boarding gear (oops!)

- Driving the Boogiebus

- Wings nights!

- Free pool nights at the Grizzlies

- Watching the local hockey team THE GRIZZLIES weekly (Paxman!)

Some of my highlights include these kinds of events so that list pretty much doubles up.

I'll sign off with the thought that right now, right here, I am very content.

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