Saturday 11 October 2014

Friday night fever

Soooo it's Saturday night now. On Thursday I spent a lot of time sending out couch surfing requests for further along in my journey. We played pool I think? I can't remember what day we played but I think it was Thursday. I can't really remember what I did Thursday.

Yesterday I left the hostel and walked (check it on a map) from widmer street in downtown Toronto all the way to 93 spadina road. When I got there I was sweating balls. I had a jumper and my big coat on because it's too fucking big to carry on top of my massive backpack and smaller pack I strap to my front. I'd managed to sweat through the jumper. Next level disgusting.

I met Ben who I'm staying with. He seems like a genuinely nice guy. His previous surfer had messaged me not to stay, as he had made sexual advances towards him. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and heard his side of the story. He tried to snuggle with him one night. I think I can handle that... if not I'll just run screaming. We went for sushi and it was pretty nice. Beef teriyaki with sushi and there's lots of little bits and pieces with it. 

Yesterday evening marked the beginning of my travelling adventures, in the sense that I had an my amazing time. I took the subway back to downtown and met up with Shehab and Juan at the hostel. We went and got a bottle of sailor Jerrys and took it back with some coca cola. The Argentinian girls and a Korean girl joined us when we were drinking, and later a Japanese guy and girl showed up too. 

We got pizza, fags and headed round the corner to a nightclub. Tenner to get in. 25 dollars spent all night. I'm drunk and fed. We were up on the platform in no time dancing badly to bad music. Stopped a guy trying to fight Shehab. Did some dancy dancy with Argentina. We all headed back to the hostel and hung out in the common room until about 4. By now it's far too late to get home as the subway stops running at 1:30. Sooooo I just stayed with Argentina. We played baseball. Only got to second... plenty more time though.

This morning I took the subway into Union and met Pam. We went to st Lawrence market and the distillery district. It's a pedestrianised area of the city which is all independent food and clothing shops. It's very small and... indy? We had a nice lunch. Mexican chorizo sandwich. Here I am suffering from the night before and my lovely lunch. 

Headed back up here to Ben's and we've just chilled this evening. Got some indian food and watch English comedy shows. 

Thanksgiving tomorrow so we'll get pizza pizza! Haha.

Edit/update: I'm fairly sure blogger is not uploading everything I write or edits I make. I remember writing certain things only for them not to be published... The plot thickens.

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