Thursday 23 October 2014


Tis Thursday 23rd of October. I am in Sudbury, Ontario. I am sat in a coffee shop sorting out my couchsurfing and possible ride shares to save some money. I'm beginning to realise this trip will end up costing me a fortune if I don't start saving. The coach fares are pretty reasonable but will still add up to hundreds by the end of the trip. I have contacted a guy about possibly ride sharing to Winnipeg from Thunder Bay. Hopefully it comes off as he's said he might go Sunday and I want to go Tuesday. Alternatively, he might be a serial killer and end up chopping me into lots of little chunks, freezing said chunks and using me to survive the harsh winter of 2014. More on paranoia later.

What's happened since Monday? On Tuesday Sarah began drinking at 2pm. I have decided she is a colossal cunt. Sorry to those of you offended. It's just she is a total fucking shitbag. I'm sure I sound ungrateful, as I mentioned to Dave (my current host), when I explain the tale.

So she had barely said a word all day. In fact, I don't think we've had an actual, meaningful conversation all week. And I tried. I was as cheerful and engaged as I could be... to begin with. She just didn't want to respond. So on Tuesday I just reciprocated the silence. She went in and out of her room simply to get more wine or use the bathroom. That was it. I sat on the couch watching TV and talking to Connie about the evening to come. She has a phone and nobody else does, so I was able to keep in contact about what our plans were. Joscelyn messaged me and said she was coming over. Well... sure. By the time she got to Sarah's, it was about 6 and I wanted to head to the hostel about 8/9. Joscelyn and I shared a cheeky kiss when Sarah was in her room but it was perfectly clear nothing would happen. I ate dinner with them but they kept going into Sarah's room, so I just got ready and said I was heading out. 

I asked Sarah to let me know when they were going to be back as I'd overheard them  making plans to head out. She then pipes up, asking how much I'll be giving her for staying. Groceries etc. What the actual fuck? I had previous offered 20 dollars. She asked me, 'so do you think that's fair?' I said sure but if she wanted more I could give her more. Now I was properly pissed off. I politely mentioned how I'd gone and got groceries and she hadn't asked for anything else besides the basics. Plus I'd bought drinks the other night and paid for the taxi home. She probably didn't remember belligerently stating that I could pay for it because I'd not paid for the groceries I'd used. SHE THEN PROCEEDED TO EXPLAIN HOW MUCH ACCOMMODATION WOULD HAVE COST ME FOR THE WEEK. Thunnnnnnnndercunt. If she thinks I have eaten more than I bought, fine. But I hadn't. If she thought I had not pulled my weight when we went out, fine. But I did (when Cy wasn't paying for everything). If she thought I should replace the few squeezes of shower gel I used, fine. But she didn't ask me to grab it from the shops. To offer me a place to stay and then turn around and quote me on accommodation costs for the week? Shit. Don't offer a free place to stay if you are going to begrudge me of my stay. Don't offer me a couch as a family friend and then take a huge steaming dump of bad manners all over it. Please, let me know if I'm being ungrateful. I appreciated her letting me stay but this was just the limit. Not to mention all my clothes now stink of fags. Thinking about it, during my time there I ate a box of cereal, a loaf of bread, half a pack of cheese, two apples, two portions of pasta and sauce plus some salad. I bought a carton of milk of which I used some, a new loaf of bread, a dozen eggs for her and a big bag of crisps. She ate half the crisps. Now I'll admit my grocery shop doesn't meet what I used perhaps, but 20 dollars would have covered the difference. And what else is there to pay for? Her wonderful company? Do one.

I just have one more thing to get off my chest before I continue with my tale. In fact the two are interwoven so bear with me. I got to the hostel and Shehab was waiting in the common room. Connie and Tami showed up and Juan shortly afterwards. We sung happy birthday to Connie and had cake. I had contacted Cy about good places to go but he ended up not responding after a while. Never mind, he's a busy guy. We went to a bar/club type place with karaoke. Oh good. I got the first round for Shehab as he was leaving tomorrow as well. We chatted for a while and Barry the Irishman had come along with his wife, so we were a fair crowd. Sarah phones me around 10 or 11 and asks if I have somewhere I can stay. What? Her boyfriend is staying over. What? WHAT? So not only do I not have a place to stay, but you made Joscelyn feel like she couldn't get with me by saying you like me. Even though you still considered John to be your boyfriend. Thunnnnnnnndercunnnnnnnnt (last one, promise). Juan got me a rum and coke having discussed the matter of staying with him, what a gent. Shehab got the next round and Barry got the three of us jaegerbombs. Time to karaoke! Juan, Shehab and I did that song which goes something like, 'ba da da da da da bamba'. I don't think that's the official title though. Barry did chasing cars by snow patrol. Not a bad pair of lungs. 

When the place emptied about 2ish, we headed back to the hostel and chatted for a while. We said our farewells to Shehab and he went to bed. Connie and I headed into the common room and Juan and Tami stayed in the foyer. I ended up staying with Connie. :)

Yesterday was fairly arduous. I woke up late and had to say goodbye swiftly. Goodbye kiss and cuddle then out the door and fast walk to the subway. I got to Sarah's, grabbed my stuff, dumped 40 dollars on the table and left with a courteous goodbye. I ended up making it to the coach station about an hour early. The journey was fine.  Slept for an hour or so and woke with a crick neck. I watched a ton of parks and recreations episodes and probably disturbed most people on the coach with my laughter. Love this show. Arrived on time and Dave picked me up from the terminal. He seems like a really nice guy so far. He gave me a quick driven tour of Sudbury. We then went and had gourmet pizza for dinner (see below, yes I did take a picture of my dinner,  I am that guy) and watched some extras on Netflix. I'm not sure he enjoyed it that much. Went to sleep on the comfiest thing I've slept on in weeks - a sofabed. 

Going to explore the town now. Science centre and beachfront walk. Hopefully catch 'fury' at the cinema later as well. Sorry for the rant. Ciao for now.

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