Monday 6 October 2014


Have you seen the film hostel? Me neither. Apparently I don't want to.

Got here on the train yesterday. Tried to make a hyperlapse of the journey but I dropped my iPad so it didn't really work very well. Also you could see the lens in the window reflection so it was fairly poor. 

I got in and met my room mates. A spaniard named Juan, an Israeli named Omri (I think), two Brits who I've completely forgotten the names of and an Italian named Ash (I think).

I talked to Juan for a while and found out he was here to study English. He chose Canada because he wanted to reduce the chances of meeting anyone who spoke Spanish. I thought that was pretty intelligent. The Brits turned up a bit later whilst Juan was asleep. They are nice and easy to talk to. The brother has come over for two weeks and the sister is travelling to Vancouver and the west coast after he has flown home. I've not really spoken to the other two.

Sarah, who is (wait for it) mike's cousins husbands sister, came out with us for a few drinks. It was a nice enough evening. I got a headache though. The others went back to the hostel earlier whilst Sarah and I stayed out to listen to a live jazz band. She proceeded to tell me about a guy she had just started dating and showing me the texts she'd sent him. Fuck right off.

Today I woke up with a slamming headache. I managed to crawl out of bed and grab some shitty pancakes and a cup of tea. I went back to the room and lay down with my platypus water bottle draped across my head. Eventually I got hungry enough to go and grab some food. I headed over to yonge street, the longest street in the world, and just wandered along for a while looking for something that took my fancy. I ended up stopping for a pizza. On the way home I gave the last two slices to a homeless guy. I didn't really feel any better about myself but he was probably grateful. 
*Edit* Also, as I failed to mention when I first published this, the hobo who accepted my kind offer of lukewarm food was not the first I encountered. Oh no. The first was my original target standing just outside the shop. He said no thanks when I offered him two slices. Turns out beggars really can be choosers the ungrateful prick. 

Some strange lady tried giving me a little star sticker, 'for all the handsome ones'. I thought you can fuck right off, giving me that schpiel and then forcing your disease ridden sticker upon my person.

I'm now sat in the lounge type area typing this out. I'm not really sure how to engage any of the people here in conversation, so I figure I'll just browse reddit and occasionally glance around. I need a poo as well. God help me. There was a smoking hot German girl here a while ago but she left with her friend. I think I love her. 

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