Monday 29 September 2014

Go Gens Go!

I thought I had posted this already but it disappeared so I've reposted.

Day 10

In the afternoon today Patty and Nick had family round for a gathering. They do it a few times a year and on major holidays. It was a bit weird... bit awkward. Everyone was very nice though. Lots of people asked me about my trip and where/how I was travelling. It was an incredibly hot day and I ended up sweating balls without realising it. I'd been slow roasting myself on a sun lounger. 

In the evening we went to the first home game of the Oshawa Generals. It was excellent. All you could ask from a hockey game. Fast paced action, 4-0 to the Generals, a fight and delicious refreshment after the second third. Brilliant atmosphere there. We watched the 'immortalisation' ceremony of John Tavares, as his number was retired as a mark of respect for his achievements. He's the same age as me which is a bit of a downer. Did get a bit boring after a while but I guess it was cool to be there to witness something like that.


Day 11

Today we went to the science museum of Ontario. It was incredibly fun! In fact ,we had so much fun that we ran out of time to go to the zoo.

There was tons of interactive stuff to do - something I can't really see happening in England... but perhaps I've just not been to the science museum for a long time.

Glue guns and scissors around a weird craft table upon which you are challenged to make shoes or hats.

Paper litters the floor around a huge air chute in which you place the folded paper to float down. Similarly around the paper aeroplane area.

Mike and I competed on a number of fun activities such as rowing (win), pedal race (win) and heart pumping (win). I guess it wasn't fair of me to not mention I am the best at everything. I let him win on the stupid space car thing.

Once we'd left ,we did originally head over to the zoo but realised we'd run out of time. Instead we went to the Oshawa centre, grabbed some lunch at the food court and then went shopping. I was a man on a mission. New pants so I can chuck all the shitty old ones out. They aren't literally shitty, just don't fit.

New jumpers so I can send the ones I brought with me back with mum.

Portable speaker (Sorry Han, didn't have the heart to tell you I forgot the one you gave me).

Blue jays cap.

Sunday 28 September 2014

More and more

Day 7

I've fallen in love with the city of Toronto. We drove into downtown Toronto and went to check on the boat trips. Pam threw a bitchfit about Mike getting shitty. Personally I thought he was just speaking normally but heyho. We got there in the end and found out the times didn't fit with our day. No worries, onto the brewery! 

Now this place really was the absolute shit. We walked in and immediately got a free half glass sample. I'm not a huge fan of lager, however I'll happily drink it if its free. We get onto the tour and are greeted with a bottle of steamwhistle pilsner this time. It's starting to taste pretty good now. 

The tour is incredible. It makes the stuff taste even nicer knowing all the ways they've made it a better brewed lager. And the girl doing the tour was fit as. What a business opportunity! The lager, not the girl. If I had any way to possibly import the stuff I'd be contacting them right now. It's such a niche. They are 'green', young and clearly very passionate about their product. We get our free six pack and glasses and head back to the car to leave it there. I leave my dreams of grandeur at the door.

Next up lunch at the loose moose. It's a bar with grub. Good grub. Real nice burger. 

We then wandered over to the CN tower for our trip above the cityscape. At about 300ft it is apparently the second tallest building in the world. I couldn't be bothered to google it, just take Mike's word for it. The views were naturally incredible, and standing on the glass panels looking down is a true experience.

Our final part of the day was the baseball game in the skydome. Blue jays vs. mariners. Blue jays lost and, even though the crowd was fairly thin, the experience washed over me and it was a really enjoyable game. No balls hit anywhere near us though. Balls. An excellent day undoubtedly.

Day 8+9

Nothing to report besides some contact on couchsurfing. It's happening. It's real life and it's happening.

Plenty more room for activities

Day 5

We went to the beach on Lake Ontario this morning. It was a lovely sandy beach and a fine day for a walk. Nice and sunny. 

Such a shame, then, that there had to be an attack squad of wasps waiting for me. Those black and yellow pricks just love themselves a slice. I did my best impression of a grown up and just carried on walking, flinching only occasionally when they flew directly at my face. 

We walked up to the top of the head and could see the CN tower down in Toronto. 
Afterwards we headed over to the Oshawa centre which is a mall. I reverted back into a child taken to the shops, not saying what I wanted to look at/get I just sulked and didn't talk to anyone. Should have just spoken up... I'll just have to suggest we go shopping again and remain impervious to my own stupidity.

We walked through some botanical garden... since the weather was so nice it was actually quite a nice stroll. Shame we'd already walked a million miles and my legs hurt like a bitch.

Finally we did a guided tour of an old house from a similar time period as Casa Loma. It was fairly interesting. There was some intricate electrical wiring to link clocks and radios etc, along with some hidden doors and other concealments. The past is interesting to a point, it's just I was incredibly hungry and really wanted to leave. Because we turned up slightly late, the tour guide offered to take us back to the entrance hall and do the intro at the end. We agreed, much to my stomach's disgust, although she seemed to forget when we'd joined the tour. She asked us for the second time whether we noticed anything about the marble panels on the wall. "Aren't they.... painted? That's not real marble it's painted!" I say whilst managing to keep a straight face. She says not once in 6 years has anyone noticed that. 
"Are you into art?" Oh yeah, big time.

 Once we had finally been picked up we went over to wallmart and I got a Wendy's with Mike. Awwww yisssssss. 

Currently trying to organise my couch surfing account to search for possible places to stay once my welcome wears out here.

Day 6

We went to Niagara today which was awesome. The drive took about 2 hours but it was well worth it. First we went on a walk down past the falls all the way up to the 'horseshoe' falls, where you get a fair soaking just from the spray in the air. We took some pictures and watched the falls for a while.

 We then headed back down the road for the boat tour. No longer named maiden of the mist on the Canadian side; we hopped on the hornblower with our snazzy waterproof ponchos on and once again took a shower in the spray of both sets of falls. We had a far better view than the American side could ever dream of from the 'banks' of the river, but the boat trip was something else entirely. You get right up close to the 'horseshoe' falls and the sheer power of the water is unavoidable. We also got to travel down behind the falls, which again was amazing. The greatness and immense power of it makes you realise how insignificant we are in the world. Deep man.

After a quick Burger King lunch, we went and found a shitty snow globe souvenir for mum and a Niagara jumper for Pam. The final activity for the day was glow in the dark crazy wizard golf. It was a real laugh... although there was a severe lack of wizards. Dragon golf would be better. I choked and Mike won overall... bastard. We got Dairy Queen ice creams and headed home. Awesome day.

Day tripping

Day 3

It was raining all night and all morning. I watched the football and read some more of the book. I also tried clearing some emails. My inbox stands at about 2000 emails dating back to 2011... so it's a slow process. I gave up after about 5 minutes.

After lunch the sun came out and we walked down to bulk barn. This place is incredible. 

I had to muster up a fair amount of restraint. There are 2 or 3 more aisles of sweets just like this and they're cheap too. I ended up just buying 3 bags of sweets to try. I'm emailing back to my old class to see if I can't just send over a load of sweets, as I'd promised them gifts whilst I travel. Would save hassle.

Got back and I'm sat typing this out with America's funniest videos playing in the background. It's like you've been framed but the people on it are bigger knobheads. Why are all the videos on it from 1994? They've not paid out for over 20 years and just keep recycling the same clips over and over. Arseholes.

Day 4

Woken up at 10. Trip into Toronto today. Spent about 30-40 minutes I'd say on the journey. It's strange; the landscape doesn't really change much until you get right into the heart of the city. It's just large houses and the occasional shopping plaza. In the city however it is just as you'd expect. Imagine the cityscape in films like Wall Street or Chicago. That's it. Literally. Turns out the entire film of Chicago was shot in Toronto. What a swizz. I wonder if people from Chicago realise that when they watch it.

View From CN Tower

We first visited Casa Loma (from Scott Pilgrim), a castle based on European design which was built at the turn of the 20th century. 

Poor bastard who built it then ran out of money having only lived in it for 10 years or so, and ended up living above his chauffeur's garage. Shouldn't have built a fucking castle with nearly 100 rooms in it for your family of three then should you. Idiot. It was beautiful though; excellent views as well. We took an audio tour. Aside from looking like a total dickhead, it's much better than just moping about looking at boring old shit. Mike managed pressed one of the secret door button, causing a loud buzz and him to jump a few feet. Laughter.

After looking around we went on an open top bus tour of Toronto. Cold, but also pretty interesting. As I sat on the open top bus gazing around in gormless amazement, I was mainly concentrating on two things. The first was the variety of different landmarks around the city as we made our way round. Some surviving buildings from last century mixed with the very obviously brand new constructions made for an eclectic mix of architecture. I have to admit I did love just sitting and taking it all in without having to think about where we were headed or what was next. The second thing I was concentrating on was look at all the people. Primarily all the women, however 'people watching' in general is very rewarding. Asides from the obvious, there was an array of interesting people in the city. A collection of skaters protesting some unknown cause outside a shopping centre, angry delivery drivers and fatties spring to mind as the highlights of this particular venture.

Having mentioned being hungry enough times, we stopped off for a meal on the way home. We also got Dairy Queen ice cream... From a drive thru. This place is the absolute shit. Ice cream - no need to get off your fat arse. Perfect.

Early days

Day 1

Having arrived safely and been driven back from the airport by Mike (Pam's BF), we grabbed a five guys' burger and relaxed for the day, getting an early night after meeting Patty, Nick and Joe who are Mike's Mum, Dad and Uncle respectively. No jet lag? Super.

For our first day we went to look around a farmers market (yawn) and then took a trip to Costco. Apparently we have them in England? The place is huge and full of anything you could possibly think of. I got some pants. The underwear kind not the trouser kind. Mine were pinching, I think I'll just buy more out here and send these home, they're too tight. Look we're 7 lines in and I've resorted to talking about my crotch already.

We went home, chilled for a bit before preparing for dinner. We went into downtown Oshawa for a tapas food crawl event, being promoted by what appeared to be local artists. Along with some street performers and craft stalls, they had filled lots of empty shop spaces with art for people to browse. Some of the restaurants and bars had bought into the tapas idea. We got 6 food tokens for 20 dollars and chose items from a specific menu. I tried donair (just like kebab), poutine (chips and gravy) and a slider (tiny burger). The donair was nice and I had a decent chicken sandwich... the rest was pretty disgusting. In one of the bars we were accosted by a friendly drunk who promoted the local music scene. He stood and talked to us as we sat and ate for a while. Whilst I won't assume everyone in Canada is nice just because of the stereotype, even this drunk man was amiable as he stood there, swaying and regaling us with the true value of family and friends. It was fairly poignant when I think back on it. A blottosophical.

The other thing which came to mind that night was something my friend Sam had once said as we drove to climbing. When you're single, you can fall in love a hundred times a day. Your daily travels and endeavours take you to big outside world, and everywhere there are beautiful women who you gaze longingly at from afar. Beautiful women, I might add, that are entirely inaccessible. And you fall in love. Not real love; just miserable, lonely infatuation. At least I can still get a laugh out of people though - I expressed my thoughts aloud to Patty and mum, "I think I'm in love with that waitress." They both laughed heartily and made me feel slightly better about the whole situation. In these times of patheticness, I can still draw a laugh. Admittedly at my own expense. What a dickhead.

Day 2

I've picked up a book to read in the down time. I had brought along 'I am legend' with me, but I finished that on the plane. Nothing like the film at all (besides the fact I have to imagine he's now a tall, white, blonde man, the plot is completely different as well). I'm now reading the second book in the series of 'interview with a vampire'. Patty told me the first book was based on the film, combined with the fact I'm incredibly lazy, means I've just skipped that one out. I'd made it through a few chapters and was now reading this morning (Day 2). As the character of Lestat has a breakdown about the fleeting existence we enjoy on this earth, I suddenly began pondering this myself and felt a sense of terrible dread at the idea of nothingness after we die. I had a raspberry pop tart and soon calmed down , everything seemed OK after the pop tart.

Overcoming my existential crisis, I watched Arsenal win 3-0 against Aston Villa. Better and better. We then went and got Wendy's drive thru which was fairly tasty - pretty similar to the five guys. We drove over to Mike's grandparents' farm. It was great to just sit and watch the Canadian countryside morph from typical North American suburbs into farmland. I saw a mighty hawk. Or an eagle. Not sure. It was big. We drove down to the creek and Mike and Nick began unblocking the pipes which beavers had dammed up. I stood around like a useless knob. Once they'd got the pipes flowing we drove around the farm for Mike's grandad to see, as he had not been there for a while. We let the dogs out for a bit and then drove home. I felt well and truly away from everything on the farm. It was remote and expansive. I wanted to get in a car and drive as fast as possible around the open fields. Apparently they drive the snowmobiles around when it's winter... which sounds even better...

Thursday 18 September 2014

Airport joys

I don't think I can express just how enjoyable airports are. All the sitting around waiting to then sit around and wait in a different part of the building is beyond all my wildest dreams. Having said that, I am coming round to the idea of 'people' in general, which is convenient as I'll be having to spend time with them soon enough. I even managed to smile at someone just now. Through check in without fuss besides mum being frisked down. She does look the type to be smuggling a wad of crack up her bum.

Sat in terminal 2 waiting for an hour, before boarding even thinks about popping up on the little screen. Bliss. Although it does allow for some excellent people watching time. Yes I see you there strangely attractive woman with a twitch. Good morning unreasonably miserable sales assistant. Hello adorable elderly couple attempting to use the touchscreen technology downstairs. Life is good. I've a bottle of water and 45 minutes of free internet - couldn't ask for more. Here is my view for the next hour or so. 

Having left the house I figure there's no point worrying about leaving anything behind. I have my passport and boarding pass... Anything else can be bought along the way. No need to panic about my luggage anymore. As long as I take it day by day I'll be fine. Next hurdle will be when it comes to embarking on my solo journey. With my new philosophy in mind, two week holiday here we come!

Wednesday 17 September 2014

This day of days

Less than 12 hours until we leave for the airport. 

Currently moving between packing my bag and attempting to procrastinate/ease my nerves by just playing league of legends. Safe, comfortable computer games. Everything will be alright.

So as far as organising goes it has been a complete arseache.

Edit: lost original photos so recreated. Yes I look like a dick but I wanted to keep them as true as I could to the ones I took at home.

Most of the stuff outside of the case isn't going to go... namely the huge fuck off shoes I thought would be a good idea to take. I've convinced myself I only need one pair... and that's pushing it.

Turns out travel insurance for a trip such as mine costs an arm and a leg but I'll sort it this evening and print any necessary documents in Canada.

Got a fair bit of cash from my car insurance but that went straight into the expenses of a new camera because my phone decided to pack up, along with the bag itself which was extortionate. 

All in all I think it's actually going to be OK in terms of not forgetting anything too important. Passport and credit card. As long as I've got them I shouldn't think it will be too hard picking anything else up along the way.

God what an idiotic boob I was a few months ago deciding to just go traveling. 

Tuesday 9 September 2014

The inevitable catastrophe

My shithole of a car just stopped working as I am attempting to get to my appointment at the Surrey Travel Clinic in Tadworth.

I had been in for all of half an hour after visting a friend and the car had driven fine. I come home to print off the admin they ask you to fill in and, as if by magic, that stupid pile of crap has packed in and refuses to start.

Had to phone them up and cancel - if I am invoiced for £15 I will be livid.

Looks like I'll be travelling solely in North America, after which I will have to return home in order to get vaccinations to journey to South America/beyond. 

I guess these things just happen, but it has sharpened my perpetual bad mood.

Cheers car, you have been nothing but a disappointment since you replaced my beloved silver focus. Wanker.

Saturday 6 September 2014

Getting shit done

And I didn't even go shopping last time. What a joke.

Such a great feeling to be able to write down all the progress I've made in preparation. It may not look like a great deal when read, however to me it feels like huge leaps towards feeling ready to embark on my travels.

- Vaccination appointment made for next week. This gives me two weeks to get a two course cycle of vaccines if the nurse thinks its worth doing. If not, the woman on the phone made me feel fairly relaxed about the situation and I'll get the necessary ones at any rate.

- What I'm taking. I've been researching backpacks and am close to making a decision on what to get. I think I've narrowed it down to this one or this one. I'll be creating a packing list for myself based on the info in the website I found previously along with some serious thought into where I'll be going and what I'll be doing. 

- Credit Card sorted. 0% on withdrawals and payments abroad. Happy days. Just need to remember to sort the balance each month and avoid the costs. 

- U.S travel researched and confirmed. So I'm fairly confident, from what I've read, that If I just state my true intentions I should be good to go. Canada appears to allow me to stay up to 6 months before I'd need some kind of authorised paperwork. Smashing. I'll take cold weather clothes just in case. When I've had enough of Canada I can travel to the U.S without an ESTA as I am travelling from Canada and not flying in from the U.K. I just need to provide proof I can afford to stay and that I'll be leaving afterwards.

- Signed up for couchsurfing. Although that is as far as I've got with it so far, I am fairly sure it will come in handy when I am away. Check it out. 

- Remembered Car tax and insurance. This is more of a reminder to myself. I can't forget to cancel my car insurance and tax (getting the money back) before I leave.

- Travel insurance. Must get this sorted. I reckon they'll dick me about because I don't know specifically where I'm going and for how long. We shall see...

Now I'm just getting panicked by the thought I have forgotten to consider something crucial. Whilst everything is falling into place I can't shake the feeling that there is something I've forgotten.