Sunday 28 September 2014

More and more

Day 7

I've fallen in love with the city of Toronto. We drove into downtown Toronto and went to check on the boat trips. Pam threw a bitchfit about Mike getting shitty. Personally I thought he was just speaking normally but heyho. We got there in the end and found out the times didn't fit with our day. No worries, onto the brewery! 

Now this place really was the absolute shit. We walked in and immediately got a free half glass sample. I'm not a huge fan of lager, however I'll happily drink it if its free. We get onto the tour and are greeted with a bottle of steamwhistle pilsner this time. It's starting to taste pretty good now. 

The tour is incredible. It makes the stuff taste even nicer knowing all the ways they've made it a better brewed lager. And the girl doing the tour was fit as. What a business opportunity! The lager, not the girl. If I had any way to possibly import the stuff I'd be contacting them right now. It's such a niche. They are 'green', young and clearly very passionate about their product. We get our free six pack and glasses and head back to the car to leave it there. I leave my dreams of grandeur at the door.

Next up lunch at the loose moose. It's a bar with grub. Good grub. Real nice burger. 

We then wandered over to the CN tower for our trip above the cityscape. At about 300ft it is apparently the second tallest building in the world. I couldn't be bothered to google it, just take Mike's word for it. The views were naturally incredible, and standing on the glass panels looking down is a true experience.

Our final part of the day was the baseball game in the skydome. Blue jays vs. mariners. Blue jays lost and, even though the crowd was fairly thin, the experience washed over me and it was a really enjoyable game. No balls hit anywhere near us though. Balls. An excellent day undoubtedly.

Day 8+9

Nothing to report besides some contact on couchsurfing. It's happening. It's real life and it's happening.

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