Wednesday 17 September 2014

This day of days

Less than 12 hours until we leave for the airport. 

Currently moving between packing my bag and attempting to procrastinate/ease my nerves by just playing league of legends. Safe, comfortable computer games. Everything will be alright.

So as far as organising goes it has been a complete arseache.

Edit: lost original photos so recreated. Yes I look like a dick but I wanted to keep them as true as I could to the ones I took at home.

Most of the stuff outside of the case isn't going to go... namely the huge fuck off shoes I thought would be a good idea to take. I've convinced myself I only need one pair... and that's pushing it.

Turns out travel insurance for a trip such as mine costs an arm and a leg but I'll sort it this evening and print any necessary documents in Canada.

Got a fair bit of cash from my car insurance but that went straight into the expenses of a new camera because my phone decided to pack up, along with the bag itself which was extortionate. 

All in all I think it's actually going to be OK in terms of not forgetting anything too important. Passport and credit card. As long as I've got them I shouldn't think it will be too hard picking anything else up along the way.

God what an idiotic boob I was a few months ago deciding to just go traveling. 

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